Frequently Asked Questions

Funding Details

No, Malka Ella is only able to pay fertility clinics and associated doctors.

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No, Malka Ella does not pay for long term storage of embryos.


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When reviewing applications a large number of factors are taken into consideration and thus there is no set formula that determines the percentage funded. Each case is considered individually.

Category: Funding Details

No, Malka Ella is a tzedokah organization, not a gemach. For loans please contact the Rambam Charitable Trust However, if recipients would like to make a donation to Malka Ella after their treatments, this would be greatly appreciated.

Category: Funding Details

Yes, Malka Ella does not prescribe that you undergo treatments at any particular clinic or doctor but do require you to be under the care of a fertility specialist. In addition, treatments can only be funded at clinics that allow a mashgicha in their laboratory.

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No, Malka Ella is only able to pay fertility clinics and associated doctors

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No, Malka Ella does not pay for long term storage of embryos.

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Malka Ella does not cover doctor’s consultations, blood tests, operations or scans. Only fertility treatments and other associated procedures are covered.

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Each couple is able to apply for TWO (2) IVF treatments OR SIX (6) AI in a 12 month period. Under extenuating circumstances funding or additional treatments will be considered.

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Please refer to this page on the Malka Ella website for more details.

Category: Funding Details