How confidential is the application process?

Craig Baker

The process is confidential as the financials are reviewed by a professional committee. The pre-screening, while face-to-face, is also confidential as the Malka Ella counsellor is bound by professional confidentiality.

What is the timeline for the application process?

Craig Baker

The following timeline is approximate and is dependent on a COMPLETE application being submitted: application is checked for completeness –1 week couple arranges a meeting as well as meets with the Malka Ella counsellor – 1 week Malka Ella receives a written report from the counsellor – 1 week Financial committee are sent financial documentation to decide % to be …

How long does it take to review an application?

Craig Baker

The process has a number of different components and thus if COMPLETE forms have been submitted the application takes on average it takes 3-4 weeks to be reviewed. Therefore, it is best if you are planning on applying for funding to take this into account and apply timeously. If incomplete applications are uploaded this will delay the review process.

What is the application process when applying to Malka Ella for financial assistance?

Craig Baker

In order to apply for financial assistance from Malka Ella each couple needs to Understand and accept the terms and conditions as listed on the website under Applications Discuss and get sign-off from your Rabbi and the Malka Ella Rabbis Compile and upload all the required financial documentation Apply for hashgacha through the Malka Ella website Meet with the Malka …

Why do people get different percentages funded?

Craig Baker

When reviewing applications a large number of factors are taken into consideration and thus there is no set formula that determines the percentage funded. Each case is considered individually.

Can I get a loan from Malka Ella and pay it back over time?

Craig Baker

No, Malka Ella is a tzedokah organization, not a gemach. For loans please contact the Rambam Charitable Trust However, if recipients would like to make a donation to Malka Ella after their treatments, this would be greatly appreciated.