My one parent is Sephardic, do I still need Ashkenazi genetic testing?

Malka Ella

Yes, although the chance of being a carrier is slightly smaller. You still have one parent who is Ashkenazi Jewish. We know that 1 in 6 people is a carrier for one of the 9 common conditions. This means that there is a chance you are a carrier and that you can have an affected child. If both parents are …

What can Malka Ella do for me when I have a pregnancy loss?

Malka Ella

Malka Ella has a team of dedicated staff, well equipped to assist you during the period following a loss.  We provide emotional support and pregnancy loss packages designed to address the physical, spiritual and emotional needs following a loss.  In addition, we can assist you with understanding some of the tests or directions your doctor may suggest to you.

Sadly I miscarried within my first trimester. It is the first time that its ever happened to me. What tests should I ask my doctor to run?

Malka Ella

I’m sorry to hear about your loss.  Having a miscarriage is very difficult and can stir a lot of emotions.  Unless suggested otherwise by your doctor, there are no necessary tests that need to take place after one loss. Although a miscarriage is common, when it happens to you, it may feel as if you are all alone.  However, you …

What support do people applying for funding or hashgacha receive?

Malka Ella

Every person that applies for funding or Hashgacha will receive a Gift Pack from us. This includes a copy of the book, The Third Key, an important resource for anyone going through fertility, a Mikvah guideline and special prayer, a booklet with inspirational stories from people who have been through the process and a few added extras to provide some …

Do I need to pay for the Hashgacha?

Malka Ella

No, the costs for the mashgicha in laboratory is covered by the Malka Ella Fund. All non-Malka Ella patients are asked to donate to the Fund to cover this service.

How do I apply for Hashgacha only?

Malka Ella

Under applications on the Malka Ella website there is an option that specifies apply for Hashgacha only. Please provide the required information and your details will be sent to the administrator of Shifra so that they can make contact with you and arrange.

How confidential is the application process?

Malka Ella

The process is confidential as the financials are reviewed by a professional committee. The pre-screening, while face-to-face, is also confidential as the Malka Ella counsellor is bound by professional confidentiality.

What is the timeline for the application process?

Malka Ella

The following timeline is approximate and is dependent on a COMPLETE application being submitted: application is checked for completeness –1 week couple arranges a meeting as well as meets with the Malka Ella counsellor – 1 week Malka Ella receives a written report from the counsellor – 1 week Financial committee are sent financial documentation to decide % to be …