Yes, you need to fill out the forms online. Please see the FAQ on application and funding
What can Malka Ella do for me when I have a pregnancy loss?
Malka Ella has a team of dedicated staff, well equipped to assist you during the period following a loss. We provide emotional support and pregnancy loss packages designed to address the physical, spiritual and emotional needs following a loss. In addition, we can assist you with understanding some of the tests or directions your doctor may suggest to you.
Sadly I miscarried within my first trimester. It is the first time that its ever happened to me. What tests should I ask my doctor to run?
I’m sorry to hear about your loss. Having a miscarriage is very difficult and can stir a lot of emotions. Unless suggested otherwise by your doctor, there are no necessary tests that need to take place after one loss. Although a miscarriage is common, when it happens to you, it may feel as if you are all alone. However, you …
What support do people applying for funding or hashgacha receive?
Every person that applies for funding or Hashgacha will receive a Gift Pack from us. This includes a copy of the book, The Third Key, an important resource for anyone going through fertility, a Mikvah guideline and special prayer, a booklet with inspirational stories from people who have been through the process and a few added extras to provide some …