Other services provided by Malka Ella include:

Travelling the road of infertility doesn’t need to be lonely and scary. Tikvah is there to support and guide you on this journey. In addition, Tikvah conducts pre-screening sessions required for those applying for funding from the Malka Ella Fertility Fund.
Tikvah is committed to helping those suffering from the pain of infertility.

SHIFRA (Science and Halacha Infertility Authority), under the supervision of Rabbi Gidon Fox, ensures that the South African Jewish community has access to the highest halachic standards and protocols in the area of Artificial Reproductive Technology (ART).
The main activity provided by SHIFRA is halachic supervision of fertility procedures from egg retrieval to embryo transfer. The supervision is done by trained mashgichot who adhere to the highest level of confidentiality and tzniut. SHIFRA also provides halachic guidance for a wide range of infertility conditions.

Couples may be at risk for having a child with a genetic condition based in their family history, age or ethnic background. Common reasons that individuals meet with genetic counselors include: carrier testing for Ashkenazi Jews, 3 or more miscarriages, infertility issues, multiple IVF failures, individuals at risk or diagnosed with a genetic condition, an abnormal prenatal or postnatal test, and a known genetic condition in a family.
Chana assists couples in increasing their chance of having a healthy baby through providing genetic testing and counselling.

Two major issues facing Klal Yisrael are singles who have not yet found their match and couples struggling to bear children. Now Ohel Sarala, named after Sarala Ginzburg and brought to South Africa by The Malka Ella Fertility Fund, discreetly connects singles and childless couples. Hebrew names of the couple and single are exchanged, and they then daven for each other. In addition, the single donates any amount that they are capable of, to be used towards medical expenses needed by the couple.
The results of the Ohel Sarala initiative speak for themselves. Since its launch in South Africa in 2019, more than 40 'new' Jewish homes being created and 43 babies born to couples who were struggling with the pain of infertility.