About Malka Ella
The birth of every child is a miracle. For those who are able to conceive naturally it might even be taken for granted, but for those who face the challenge of infertility it is a heartrending struggle.
The biblical story of Avraham and Sarah's struggle to conceive mirrors many modern-day couples' struggle to become parents. Our sages urge us to utilise every possible facility available to have children and create a Jewish family. Today while there are many treatments available, the physical, spiritual and emotional pain experienced by couples is only exacerbated by the financial pressure endured by these couples in their quest to have a family.
The Malka Ella Fertility Fund was formed twenty three years ago to provide Jewish couples with financial assistance and emotional support. To date, with the assistance of generous donations, the Malka Ella Fertility Fund has financed and supported over 1 000 fertility, genetic testing, surrogacy and adoption procedures, which have resulted in the birth of more than 400 healthy babies.

Malka Ella's Parents
There is no greater privilege in life than that of being blessed with children. The ongoing work of the Malka Ella Fertility Fund helps young Jewish couples in accomplishing this most wonderful mitzvah. It is our honour to be connected with this important ongoing project.
Our association with the Fertility fund, with the name of our daughter Malka Ella a”h, has been particularly meangingful to us. Each child that is born with the assistance of the Malka Ella Fertility Fund gives us personal simcha. We look forward to a long relationship, and once again express our gratitude to the dedicated team that helps others achieve their dream.
With blessings
Elana and Jonathan Salitan
Natanel's Parents
Each time a child is born, it is as if a whole world is created. When our son, Natanel z”l, passed away tragically at the age of 15, the potential of all he would go on to achieve and the generations he would produce was destroyed. Through the incorporation of Natanel’s name in the Malka Ella Fertility Fund, every child who is born with the assistance of this organisation, will bring a spark of Natanel’s light back into the world and will B”H give an aliyah to his neshamah.
We are deeply grateful to the organisers of the Malka Ella Fund, as well as the Salitan family for their generosity in including Natanel in this holy endeavour.
With gratitude
Bev and Roy Feigenbaum